算是語意辨認的一種 benchmark,用來評估模型是否能理解精確的放射科報告內容上下文。


Your task is to extract medical entities and relations from a given radiology report. I’ll provide you with 1) the problem setup, 2) the radiology report, and 3) the output format.

1) Problem setup: For each report, you will be asked to identify 7 types of medical entities:

(1) observation::present, which is used for visual features, pathophysiologic processes, or diagnosable diseases that are present;
(2) observation::absent, which is used for visual features, pathophysiologic processes, or diagnosable diseases that are absent;
(3) observation::uncertain, which is used for visual features, pathophysiologic processes, or diagnosable diseases where you are uncertain about presence or absence;
(4) observation::measurement::present, which refers to a measurement associated with visual features, pathophysiologic processes, or diseases;
(5) anatomy::present, which refers to an anatomical body part that is present;
(6) anatomy::absent, which refers to an anatomical body part that is absent;
(7) anatomy::measurement::present, which refers to a measurement associated with an anatomical body part;

For each report, you will also be asked to identify 3 types of relations between entities:

(1) suggestive_of, which is a relation between two Observation entities indicating that the presence of the second Observation is inferred from the first Observation.

(2) located_at, which is a relation between an Observation entity and an Anatomy entity indicating that the Observation is related to the Anatomy

(3) modify, which is a relation between two Observation entities or two Anatomy entities indicating that the first entity modifies the scope of or quantifies the degree of the second entity.

2) Radiology report:


3) Output format:

Please strictly follow this output format. Entities must be short substrings (often just 1 word) from the radiology report with no changes to formatting. Each relation exists between a pair of identified entities. Please list entities and relations in the order they appear in the radiology report.

[[<entity>, <entity type>], [<entity>, <entity type>], ..., [<entity>, <entity type>]]

[[<entity 1>, <entity 2>, <relation type>], [<entity 1>, <entity 2>, <relation type>], ..., [<entity 1>, <entity 2>, <relation type>]]